Environmental Law and Management - Volume 29 - Issue 1

The remains of the day: reflections on 24 hours of nationwide electricity without coal
Sustainable management in policy and practice: the placing of solar panels on listed buildings in Scotland
ANDREA ROSS Professor of Environmental Law, University of Dundee
The ‘iron triangle’ and the rise of the counter-norms of science – Part II
LUCAS BERGKAMP Partner, Hunton & Williams LLP, Brussels and Emeritus Professor of
International Environmental Liability Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Case Commentary
What is required of An Bord Pleanála in giving ‘reasons’ for EIA and AA decisions after Connolly?
Connolly v An Bord Pleanála
[2016] IEHC 322 (14 June 2016)
Consultant, A&L Goodbody Solicitors
Strategic Issues – EU
Fitness check of the Birds and Habitats Directives – Preventing hazardous waste – CO2 emissions from passenger cars and vans 2015 – Ship recycling – Enhancing
protection of the marine environment – Assessment of monitoring programmes under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive – Climate change report 2016 – Circular economy –
Launch of the Environmental Implementation Review – Wildlife trafficking
Associate Professor,
University of Plymouth
Strategic Issues – England and Wales
Environmental civil claims – the costs question
Partner, Berwin Leighton Paisner
Prioritising bird conservation initiatives in Richmond Park
Lecturer, Kingston University
Strategic Issues –Scotland
Integrated authorisation framework – Climate planning and an energy strategy – Planning reforms
SARAH HENDRY Senior Lecturer in Law, Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, University of Dundee
Behind the Headlines
Brexit and the aftermath of the general election
DAVID POCKLINGTON Director, Enviro-Law & Policy
Book Review
The Privatisation of Biodiversity? New Approaches to Conservation Law
Colin T Reid and Walters Nsoh